Training & Networks

Social Integration Network Registration

Join the Social Integration & Cohesion Network by completing our registration form. This network aims to bring together individuals and organizations dedicated to fostering social integration and cohesion within communities. Register to access resources, collaborate on initiatives, and participate in events aimed at promoting inclusivity and building strong, connected communities.

Workers Referral Form

Our Workers Referral Form is designed for professionals and agencies involved in addressing issues related to modern slavery. Use this form to refer individuals who may be victims of exploitation or in need of assistance. This confidential and secure referral system ensures that individuals receive the necessary support and guidance from our dedicated team of experts and service providers.

MSI Training Booking

Book your place for MSI Training sessions through our easy-to-use booking system. These training sessions are tailored to equip participants with essential knowledge, skills, and strategies to address modern slavery effectively. Reserve your spot to engage in comprehensive training sessions led by experienced professionals, enabling you to contribute meaningfully to combating exploitation in your community or organization.
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